Grounds supervisor, who was accompanied by two summer student workers, Thomas Elston and Brady Smith, speaks to the Columbiana County Career and Technical Center (CCCTC) board on Tuesday. Hawk expressed gratitude to the board and administration for making it possible for him to hire summer students workers. Elston is a senior in Construction Technology and Smith returns in the Landscaping and Environmental Design Program. (Submitted photo)

LISBON — As the need for web-based and computer careers expand, so does the need for education space dedicated to those fields. The Columbiana County Career and Technical Center (CCCTC) recognized that need and has been working on a renovation project to move the center forward in step with advancing technology and emerging careers.

That project, which involved renovating two IT spaces — interactive multimedia and information technology academy and expanding the interactive multimedia program — is nearing completion.

“We are waiting for the electrical inspection and the final fire inspection before the architect can apply for the final certificate of occupancy,” CCCTC Superintendent Jeremy Corbisello told the board during Tuesday’s regular meeting. “The new spaces are going to be great for the students and staff.”

CCCTC’s goal is to rebrand the interactive multimedia program and offer additional IT credentials through it and expand the IT academy space to give the students more room for hands-on learning.

The project, which began at the end of last school year, was funded from the Ohio Career Technical Education Equipment Grant Program, from which it was awarded $1,456,453 in March. They are also using some of these funds to purchase equipment for the new criminal justice program.

The board was presented and passed several agenda items at the meeting, including a request from Corbisello to contract with the Columbiana County Mental Health Clinic (The Counseling Center) to provide an on-site Youth Case manager.

“We have been attempting to secure on-site mental health services for our students for some time,” Corbisello said. “After collaborating with Chad Conard from the Counseling Center last year for student and staff training, we discussed the need for a Youth Case Manager to ensure our students have the opportunity to receive comprehensive mental health support.”

With the 2024-25 school year officially underway at the center, Assistant Superintendent Jordan Williams said the staff in-service took place last week for high school instructors along with Junior Orientation and the students returned on Monday.

Williams also shared strategies that his team uses to orient incoming juniors to dailey expectations along with a senior review.

“It’s important for us to communicate our expectations to our students so that we can help them reach their max potential,” Williams said.

Williams also introduced and welcomed the school’s new science teacher, Mikayla Campbell while action from the board also added to the CCCTC Adult Education staff. The board approved Shannon Allen (RN), as full-time instructor and part-time instructors Leslie Brode (Police Commander), Nine DeLuulo (RN), Staci Homan (RN) and Deborah Arter-Draa.

In other matters, the board heard from Ryan Hawk, Building and Grounds Supervisor, who was accompanied by two summer student workers — Thomas Elston and Brady Smith. The students shared their experience of working at the campus over the summer and the skills they learned over the summer.

“This building never stops. It is always moving and it takes a lot to make it all work,” Smith said.

Hawk expressed gratitude to the board and administration for making it possible for him to hire summer students workers. Elston returns for his senior year in Construction Technology and Smith returns in the Landscaping and Environmental Design Program.

The board also heard from Adult Education Director Kelly Darney who provided the Board with program updates and distributed invitations for the upcoming Adult Education graduation ceremony set for August 29 at 6 p.m.

In other action:

— The board approved the July Operating Bills in the amount of $1,019,051.07 the July Financial Statement in the amount of $11,285,338.86 and accepted the appropriation, cash, investment and revenue reports.

— The board appointed the OSBA Delegate and Alternate to the OSBA Conference.

— The board approved set cafeteria menu prices for breakfast ($2.75 for adults and $1.35 for students) and lunch ($4.70 for adults and $3 for students).

— The board accepted the resignation of Jackie Fieldhouse, Adult Education Nursing Coordinator.

— The board approved the salary schedule and handbook and salary schedule for Adult Education Program Administrators.

— The board re-assign Ann Cope and Emily Deack to Step 10 of the Salary Schedule for Adult Education Program Administrators.

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