AI limitations in responsibility and EI

One area in which humans differ from AI is in our ability to take responsibility. In the corporate setting, responsibility isn’t a new concept. In regulatory compliance, for example, companies can outsource individual tasks, but they can’t outsource their responsibility for compliance. Similarly, a company can delegate decision-making to an AI system, but a human still has to take responsibility for that decision, says IDC analyst Kevin Prouty.

For smaller companies, or those with increased efficiencies, companies may no longer need a dedicated CIO, he adds. “You might have the CIO rolled into a different role, or you might be able to merge the CIO and CTO,” he says. “But their role isn’t going away. Someone still needs to make the decision.”

What the AI can do is advise the human on what decision to make, but even still, there are some significant limitations. AIs need a lot of training data, and for some types of high-level, strategic decisions, there isn’t much of it. While many low-level functions are often tracked and monitored, this visibility rarely extends to high-level, strategic decision-making.

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